Tuesday, May 7, 2013


You know it's deep when you have to tell someone who want's to "date you", your old school and would prefer a phone call rather than a text.

There is something to be said about a phone conversation, you get to hear the intent behind the message, the sense of humor, the tone behind the joke. The truth behind the voice.  Instead of getting offended or confused because of lack of punctuation, or your not familiar with the persons sense of humor yet.   Your able to form a connection that your not able to with text.  We are such a now generation that even when we are in front of each other we are communicating via the inter-web.

The new hottness is we have been texting all day today makes me sad.

Even when meeting for coffee, the phones are on the tables, not in purses or pockets for the ready, to be distracted from what's important, that connection.  I can't believe that a request for a real conversation could be a deal breaker.  If you can spend time typing, you can spend time talking.  Not every phone call is 5 hours long, but that was the lick.  You look up and look at the time, and you have been talking all night.  That is connection.

We gotta stop, we gotta take a step back, and remember the days where a written letter was better than poor writing or ebonic text to get points across.  Just because its text Okay is spelled O.K.A.Y or O. K. not occay.  Ugh!  Sorry for the rant, but geez I just want to be able to really feel and know that you are a living breathing human being and that talking to me is a really good part of your day.  

Now let's be clear, everything doesn't have to be a phone conversation a quick, I'm on my way, or can you talk text is totally appropriate that way you know when one is available to actually speak, but come on people where is the the humanity. The love and respect.  Or how about when your talking to me you can't concentrate because you are looking at your phone and texting someone while we are talking.

Think of it this way, what were you doing before there was facebook, texting, and all this other nonsense.  If the phone rang and you weren't home they would have to call back.  I'm not saying we have to go back to the proverbial stone age, but what I am saying is what's the harm in picking up a phone and wanting, yearning to hear the voice of the person you are so enamored with.

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