Friday, August 19, 2011

The Best Advice is Usually Your Own

Lately, it seems I have been full of advice.   Lots of people are going through all sorts of stuff, and generally, while your giving advice someone is also giving advice to you.
However, the advice you give is great because you are not going through, what that person is.  It's always easier to give great advice when your free and clear of that particular trouble.

The funny part is, the adivce your giving, is probably meeting you right where you are.  Or it's great future advice for you.  I'm sure what ever your friend is going through you've either been there, or about to go there, and well listen to your self when you talk.

The term your preaching to the chior has never made more sense.  And the next time you are in the situation think back on the advice you so sternly gave, and apply to yourself, because you were right the first time.

The truth is when you give advice, the best advice for you is your own.

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