Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How Can You Move Forward, If You Live In The Past!

I don't pretend to have the answers to everything, and I hope you all don't think I am trying to sound holier than though.  Cause please believe I am just learning all these things myself.  A wise person once told if you are living in your past how can you enjoy your future.

Even the bible says the future is sufficient for it's self, how can you be in the present, if your you constantly go back to your past.  Past love, past hurt, past fall out.  One of the fundamental things everyone one needs is forgiveness...you can't fully move forward if you can not forgive your past.  

This is not a new statement,  it is a true statement...and sometimes we need to be reminded over and over again before it finally sticks.  Let him go, let her go, if it was meant to be it would have been.   You can't fit a circle into a square and you can't make someone love and you can't CHANGE anyone.

Life is sooo short, and long at the same time...see one day you'll look up and it will be too late, you will realize that you have spent most of your days harping on or dealing with junk and stuff from your past, life has passed you on by.  You don't want that...you don't want to live like that do you?

Life is a series of test and checks and balances...if you can't learn from your mistakes you are doomed to repeat them...if you can't change your thinking you will continue to get what you get.  You don't have to live this way.  I think fear plays a big part in the decisions we make.  We are afraid if we step out and fail, then you knew that was going to happen you will never try again.  The whole point of walking in your fear is to challenge your self, and if you do fail you learn from your mistakes so you don't make the same one's again.

Ladies, that man is the same man just in different skin.  He is exactly that guy you used to see but with a different face.  The problem with that is the guy who is going to bless you isn't anything like that guy,  but you can't see it cause you are dealing with past man.  Fella's she's not her, she didn't do it...please stop using that first girl that hurt you to ruin other women,  you men can be very harsh, and play with our emotions like a harp, cause She did that to you.  We can't apologize for her, we can only do what we can do.

I'm not trying to sound preachy, and honestly I am probably preaching to the choir, and I need to hear all of this as well.  We have to allow ourselves to be completely happy, single or otherwise...your happiness is not based off someone else, and too half's don't make a whole,  two wholes make a movement.  Nothing is going to be perfect, but you don't have to be stressed out, or full of drama either.  Trust, God did not envision that for you.  You shouldn't envision it for yourself.

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