Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You Know What Gets Me!

Why is it, that when you tell, a girl about her man, or the man she likes, or the man she really wants to be with.  She gets mad at you.

But the kicker is, when they are not in the situation, they stomp up and down the street how they want you to tell them, and how you wouldn't be a friend if you didn't and Blah Blah Blah.

Truth is they don't wanna know, I have been burnt too many times to name, and it aint happnin again.  Listen it's not my fault, that this man is out here playin you like a violin, and when you ask if it's true, do you really think he's gonna tell you the truth.
That's like trying to get a man to admit he cheated on you.  You know in your heart its true but you just need to hear it from him.  Why, not like your gonna go anywhere, your gonna stay your ass right there lovin that man and ailienating your friend who told you he was a snake in the first place. 

Now don't get me wrong not all men are snakes and maybe he's just not that into you, and maybe you thought something was there that wasn't, cause you know us.  We can make up some shit!  He said I'd make a great mother.  He didn't say you would be a great mother to his kids.  He just said you would be a good mom, one day to some body.

I know one thing.  If I know you, please don't take it personal, but I will never in my entire life, speak on your man, I don't care if I see him fucking in the streets I will not say a word.  What I will do is let him know I see him, and if he decides to bring me up.  Then you know something is wrong.  Other than that.  I will not throw my self under that bus any more.

On a side note.  At what point did we get so desperate to have a man that we fight each other for him.  If a man is cheating on you it's his fault not hers.  Why are you yelling at her and getting pissed, and the fact that you two are fighting each other over him.  Makes you both desperate, I mean is his dick that good.  Does the sun rise and set in it.  Come on ladies we can do better than that.  Maybe it's time you start thinking out side of the box, start thinking of other racial possiblities because this ish has been going on for too damn long.

Well, all I know is no one has to worry about me so called ruining there good thing. I am done, finished, finito,.  And all too many times I have seen her choose him and leave the friend who told in the dust, for trying to be a good friend....  I am a firm believer that people have to learn lessons for themselves even if the lesson is tuff, and it usually is. 

Monday, March 7, 2011


The feeling of being stagnant is interesting.  The websters dictionary defines stagnant as: adj Not moving or flowing : Motionless 2. Foul from standing still:stale 3. Sulggish!

My life feels a lil like all of those things right now.  But how can I help it.  What can I do?  What can I change?  Anything?  How did i get like this in the first place?

Some could say it's the economy, others could say well maybe your not trying hard enough.  How do you know you are trying everything you possibly can.  Is it measured by exhaustion at the end of the day?  Do you feel some type of full fillment?  How else do you shake things up a bit?

I, who am never at a loss, has found my self in an interesting position. Normally to feel a bit different I'd give my self a makeover or do something I've never done before, but I am almost out of those(doing something I've never done). 

Besides it's not really about getting a new job I've done that, and it's not about not feeling fulfilled as a person.  Mostly it's just about feeling like I have lived my best life!!

I think at some point we all feel this way, when things are not going exactly how we hope but...

Does anyone have any suggestions?  How do you make yourself feel like your life is actually worth while!
Any one Bueller!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Just Remembered

Hey there, I know I have been missing for a while...but I'm has been life to be a good friend resting and working...but now it's time to get back to the nitty gritty...of this blog, which may need to be re-thought.

The name of the blog is Sex in the City With No Titties, but is that all it should focus on...sometimes we loose sight of other things and because of that...the things we would like fall to the way side... I can't say that I am obsessed with finding love...but it was starting to take over.

Until I actually thought about it...what is it that I crave at this moment...what do I need to make me incredibly happy and is it possible to have it all and the answer is yes.  See God always keeps his promises and it's important to trust him in all we do...see there is two sides of me... the lover and the actress and right now I believe my focus should be on the later...God knows the desires of my heart because he gave them to me...he also has a way of taking from you what you don't need for your own good.

So I am re-committed to me...focused, recharged as it were...look I know love is possible...but and I know that when I am ready it will find me...and I will choose wisely... I have made some pretty good decisions...regarding that... and there will be a place for it...but right now...I am  Nikea the this blog is not only going to be about love, but love of life, liberty and the pursuit of true happiness... But we'll keep the title cause one It's catchy and two...well I may not be having much sex but I still have no Titties ;) have a good one kiddies we'll talk soon!